Common Signs a Senior Is Experiencing Memory Loss

Memory loss is common among aging adults, but it usually doesn’t happen all at once. Most seniors slowly lose their ability to keep track of information over time, which can make memory loss harder to detect. Keeping an eye out for these signs of memory loss in aging adults makes it possible to take prompt action to keep your senior loved one safe and preserve his or her current abilities.

Asking Repetitive Questions

A senior asking the same questions multiple times might get frustrating, but this is one of the first warning signs of memory loss you might notice in your loved one. Repeating questions is a sign your loved one is having difficulty with short-term memory. 

Try making sure to answer your loved one’s questions when he or she can listen without distractions. You can also ask your loved one to rephrase your answers for feedback. If your loved one continues to have difficulty remembering your answers, he or she might need to undergo memory tests with a physician.

Getting Lost in Familiar Places

Even seniors who face difficulty with their sense of direction should be able to find their way through familiar places. You may need to be concerned if your loved one suddenly can’t remember the route to the grocery store or other places he or she visits on a regular basis. 

Getting lost while simply driving to the doctor or your house increases the risk of losing the way on more challenging routes. This can also be a sign your loved one might forget other things, such as using the turn signal while driving. Arranging for transportation services can reduce the risk of having an accident or getting lost.

Aging in place can present a few challenges for seniors living with memory loss. However, they can still live independently at home with the help of professional memory care. At Corio by IOA, our expertly trained caregivers are available around the clock to assist with tasks around the house, provide transportation to medical appointments, and much more. 

Having Difficulty Following Directions

Following directions is something most people learn how to do early in life, but this skill can begin to disappear once memory loss takes hold. This might appear as a senior suddenly being unable to follow a recipe when he or she has always been an excellent cook. Or your loved one might face difficulty with a new home care procedure for managing a new illness or wound. Providing in-home support can help your loved one learn how to perform the steps of new procedures.

Forgetting Normal Daily Activities

Most people sail through their daily routines without having to think about everyday tasks such as feeding their pets or washing the dishes. However, memory loss can make even simple daily chores suddenly seem difficult. Seniors who begin to lose their memory might leave their pets’ food bowls empty, or you might notice your loved one left food in the microwave during your visit. At this point, your loved one may need assistance during the day to ensure he or she doesn’t forget essential tasks.

If your aging loved one needs help managing everyday tasks or encouragement to adopt healthier lifestyle choices, turn to Corio by IOA, a leading provider of home care in San Francisco. Our professional in-home caregivers are available around the clock to help seniors live longer, happier, and healthier lives. 

Appearing Unkempt

Forgetfulness can also extend to personal hygiene. Your loved one might not want to appear unkempt but may forget he or she has been wearing the same clothing for several days. Or your loved one might remember to brush his or her hair but forget about dental hygiene. 

Exploring ways to use memory aids can be helpful for this challenge. Some seniors might respond well to picture charts or alarms that remind them to do personal hygiene tasks. If this doesn’t work, your loved one might also need verbal reminders to bathe, change clothes, or brush his or her teeth each day.

Many seniors prefer aging in place over moving to assisted living facilities. If your senior loved one needs assistance to remain safe and comfortable while living at home, reach out to Corio by IOA, a leading 24-hour home care agency. Our dedicated in-home caregivers can assist with meal prep, bathing and grooming, exercise, medication reminders, and many other important tasks. If you need professional in-home care for your loved one, reach out to us today at (415) 750-4111.

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